The Full Story
Thalia Joan has a Double Degree & Major in Education, a Diploma in Creative Writing and qualified in the basics of Psychology - aside from all the boring pieces of paper - this girl has a real thirst for life. Over the years she has honed her craft into a perfect little bundle of feel good fun, combining her passion of insight, wonder, fun and love - be it whether giving a motivational talk, performing a solo show she has written, produced and directed or based in a corporate or school environment facilitating one of her many workshops, Thalia Joan is sure to deliver exactly what you are missing, even if you arent sure what that may be.
12-16th: Roots Festival - Laugh through Laughter Workshop
March - April
18th March - 14th April: Melbourne International Comedy Festival
April 18, 19, 20th - Knox St Bar, Chippendale (3 nights)
May 3rd - Brunswick Picture House
Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Whats to come...
Podcast & Monthly Newsletter/ Blog